Project EV is Part of The EV Rally

Project EV to Fully Charge the Electric Fleet

We are very proud to announce that Project EV is part of The EV Rally 2023! This is a groundbreaking event that combines the demonstration of UK and Irish EV charging infrastructure with innovative clean vehicle technology. The rally aims to highlight the versatile roles that electric vehicles can play in fleets. EVs offer improved efficiency, financial savings, and also contribute to reaching carbon net-zero emissions.

Embarking on the EV Rally

Starting today, the EV Rally will put approximately 50 EVs on the road. The EVs will initiate a 5-day, 1200+ mile “e-Rally” starting from Cardiff. This captivating journey will showcase the diverse landscapes and iconic landmarks across the UK and Ireland. More importantly, the rally will highlight the importance of charging infrastructure and its role in enabling long-distance EV travel.

The EV Rally Goes to Nottingham City Council

Participants will visit EV charge points, clean energy projects, and iconic landmarks at designated checkpoints.

At the end of day one (today), the fleet will make their way to Nottingham City Council. Here, they will recharge their batteries using the Project EV chargers installed on-site! The fleet will then set off again from Nottingham tomorrow, fully charged for the day ahead!

This is an extremely exciting project and one we are very proud to be a part of! It demonstrates the roles that EVs can play in UK and Irish fleets. No matter what the job, there is likely an EV available that can perform the task. This is all while also improving efficiency, saving money and, overall, helping reach net zero.

Nottingham City Council has set an ambitious target of becoming the first carbon-neutral city in the UK by 2028. Significant investments have been made in sustainable transport, resulting in a 58% reduction in CO2 emissions since 2005.

The council’s commitment to sustainability is evident through various projects. These include equipping the new Broad Marsh car park and bus station with 81 EV charge points, 120 bike storage spaces, and a rooftop solar panel installation generating 202 kWp. This exemplary city and council is an ideal destination for the EV Rally 2023.

Nottingham City Council have chosen to install Project EV’s chargers to help achieve their goal of becoming the first carbon-neutral city in the UK is something we are immensely proud of. Sharing a goal with a local city motivates the whole Project EV team even further to strive for a carbon net-zero future.

Project EV chargers at Nottingham City Council, Ready for the EV Rally

Expanding the Horizon

The rally will not only include electric cars but also electric motorcycles and heavy goods vehicles in the fleet. This expansion represents a remarkable milestone, as all four vehicle classes will be represented for the first time in the rally, solidifying its position as a leader in the fleet sector.

Project EV are Proud to be Part of the EV Rally

As the EV Rally 2023 sets out to demonstrate the growth in the charging network, Project EV’s involvement underscores the immense potential of electric vehicles in revolutionizing transportation. With its diverse fleet, the rally demonstrates the viability of EVs in long-distance journeys while carrying passengers, luggage, and cargo. By showcasing charging infrastructure and projects, the EV Rally paves the way for a sustainable and electrified future.

With every mile covered, the EV Rally brings us closer to a greener and more efficient world, demonstrating that, with the help of Project EV, electric vehicles are ready to power the future of transportation.

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